Working together with our in-country partners and a vast and growing group of committed volunteers, A is for Africa has contributed to the significant achievement of Matim Primary School in Arusha, Tanzania. While much has been accomplished, there is much still to be done. It takes a village - and in our case we are proud of creating a village that spans from the foothills of Arusha, Tanzania to the elementary schools and community groups of Mt. Airy, Maryland to other friends and family around the world.
Our Team
A is for Africa was founded by Molly Smith in 2007 after visiting Tanzania with Maasai Wanderings and seeing an opportunity to support local community leaders in improving the educational infrastructure and programming for students. The organization is led by her father, Rick Smith, with significant support from family matriarch, Mary Anne Smith, and sisters, Anna Berger and Robin Camarote. A is for Africa is supported by its Advisory Board, consisting of Bill Butts, Tom Neff, and Ellie Bonde. In-country partners include Maasai Wanderings and Matimu Headmaster, Angweni Damianus Lang'o.