how to help
1) Donate money. A is for Africa spends 100% of all donations on community development projects in Africa. We build schools, cover education expenses for students and buy school supplies. All of that costs money, and every dollar matters. Whether you have $5 or $5,000, we can guarantee that your money will directly support the health and wellness of a community in need. Select A is for Africa in this year's Combined Federal Campaign! CFC# 38325
2) Donate time/skills. A is for Africa is managed fully by volunteers. Do you have an interest in donating your time and expertise to improve the health and wellbeing of communities in need? We are in need of people with a wide range of skills including web design, fundraising, and marketing. For more information, email Rick at
3) Visit Tanzania through Maasai Wanderings. We met Maasai Wanderings when they skillfully guided us up Mount Kilimanjaro and through the Serengeti. Let them introduce you to stunning Tanzania, and a portion of what you spend will be committed to community development projects in the area. Visit Maasai Wanderings at