The Primary School Leaving Exam Results for the 4 Lemanyata Valley schools:

Annual summary of Matim PS PSLE scores 2016-2022:

Improvement in Matim scores over the years:

Despite the challenges of COVID-19, Matim continued to grow and excel in 2020. Read all about this productive year - from record-breaking success on the national exams to expansion of the girls' health program to a significant increase in student enrollment. All of this while the students, faculty, and staff had to make adjustments to schedules and physical infrastructure to stay safe in the face of the global pandemic. Check out our 2020 accomplishments here.

Results from 2020 National Standard 7 exams...
Matim leads the way for the regional schools!
Our History
2007: The connection to Masaai Wanderings is made and A is for Africa is born.
2009: A is for Africa receives designation as a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. The preschool at Ol Tukai is built.
2011: The preschool at Matim is built.
2012: A is for Africa conducts its first volunteer trip to Tanzania. The teacher appreciation program begins.
2013: Lunch is served! A is for Africa begins providing a hot meal to the youngest 120 students at Matim
2014: School lunch is expanded to all 900 students at Matim. The computer lab is open and teacher training begins.
2015: The library opens at Matim. Computer, sewing, and gardening clubs are launched.
2016: The computer library opens with 21 donated laptops.
2017: Lunch program expands to nearby primary school Olkokola for one year.
2018: Completion and dedication of Matim community library.
2019: Begin Girls Health & Hygiene Program at Matim PS & Mukulat SS
2020: Extensive Coronavirus interventions implemented at Matim
2021: Completed new library at Mukulat SS
2022: 10th Anniversary of work at Matim, expansion to Olkokola PS & Olturumet SS, 700+ girls participating in Girls Health & Hygiene Program